Successful candidates will receive practical training under professional guidance meeting the training requirements of the relevant professional institutions.
(I) 在2024年或以後獲取香港各大學的相關認可學位或同等學歷,詳情如下︰
(a) 見習屋宇保養測量師 - 建築測量學位或同類學位獲香港測量師學會認可,此等學位須符合成為香港測量師學會建築測量組正式會員的要求,並且有資格參加該學會建築測量組的專業評核試;
(b) 見習工料測量師 - 工料測量學位或同類學位獲香港測量師學會認可,此等學位須符合成為香港測量師學會工料測量組正式會員的要求,並且有資格參加該學會工料測量組的專業評核試;以及
(I) An acceptable degree in the relevant discipline from a Hong Kong university or equivalent (obtained in 2024 or after) as follows :
(a) FOR MAINTENANCE SURVEYING GRADUATES - a cognate degree in the field of Building Surveying or equivalent as approved by Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), which satisfies the academic requirements for corporate membership of the HKIS in the Building Surveying Division and for admission into the HKIS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) in the Division;
(b) FOR QUANTITY SURVEYING GRADUATES - a cognate degree in the field of Quantity Surveying or equivalent as approved by HKIS, which satisfies the academic requirements for corporate membership of the HKIS in the Quantity Surveying Division and for admission into the HKIS APC in the Division; and
(II) Be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of engagement unless specified otherwise.