(a) 擔當課程領導者角色,帶領以英語為母語的英語教師及英文科教師發展校本英國語文課程,並推行由香港課程發展議會擬訂的中學英國語文課程文件內的建議;
(b) 建立及維繫區域聯網,讓英文科教師分享英文科資源及參與英文科活動;
(c) 籌辦和進行分區及校本工作坊、研討會及經驗分享會;
(d) 為中學英文科教師,包括以英語為母語的英語教師,策劃和進行教師專業發展活動;
(e) 就中學英語教學工作,尤其是與讀寫發展及電子學習有關的,制訂有效的教學策略、 活動及教材;
(f) 透過共同備課及協作教學在學校内推廣專業交流,並就師資培訓和課程發展提供適切的校本支援;
(g) 籌辦全港性比賽,以提升中學生參與英語活動的興趣和動機;
(h) 作為第一線人員協助外籍英語教師處理有關工作調配及聘用問題;
(i) 為新入職的以英語為母語的英語教師提供適切的輔導;
(j) 與其他區域統籌小組成員協作並積極參與其工作;
(k) 定期諮詢主管人員,向他們匯報工作進度;以及
(l) 如有需要,按教育局局長或其指定人員的要求,執行與「以英語為母語的英語教師」計劃有關的其他職務。
To be a Regional NET Coordinator under the Regional NET Coordinating Team (RNCT). The duties are:
(a) to act as a curriculum leader and collaborate with Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs) and other English teachers in the development of a school-based English Language curriculum and the implementation of the recommendations from the secondary English Language curriculum documents issued by the Curriculum Development Council (Hong Kong);
(b) to build and maintain regional networks for English teachers to share resources and partake in activities related to English language learning and teaching;
(c) to organise and conduct district, regional and school-based workshops, seminars and experience-sharing sessions;
(d) to plan and conduct professional development activities for secondary English teachers, including NETs;
(e) to develop effective learning and teaching strategies/activities and resource materials for English language teaching, particularly in the areas of literacy development and e-learning;
(f) to promote professional exchanges within schools through collaborative lesson planning and co-teaching and provide school-based support for teachers' professional and curriculum development;
(g) to organise and conduct territory-wide competitions to enhance secondary students' interest and motivation to engage in English activities;
(h) to act as first point of call for NETs with enquiries relating to deployment or other issues relating to their employment;
(i) to provide pastoral support for NETs who are new to the NET Scheme;
(j) to collaborate with other members of the Regional NET Coordinating Team (RNCT) and contribute to the work of the RNCT as an effective member;
(k) to consult and report regularly to the supervisors on work progress; and
(l) to perform any other duties with regard to the NET Scheme as and when required by the Secretary for Education or such other officers as the Secretary for Education may nominate.
(a) 有關的聘用期預計由2014年8月18日至2016年8月17日止,合約期屆滿後可再商討續約。
(b) 薪級由每月港幣24,450元至56,810元不等,(以一年十二個月計算),受聘者如圓滿地完成合約,將可獲發約滿酬金。該筆酬金,連同政府根據《強制性公積金計劃條例》的規定為受聘者向強制性公積金計劃所作的供款,將相等於合約期內所得底薪總額的15%。
(c) 已連續任教兩年,並現正繼續其第三及第四年服務的外籍英語教師;或已連續任教四年, 並現正任教第五年的外籍英語教師, 均可申請領取分別相等於現行基本薪金5%或10%的留任獎勵。
(d) 並非以香港為常居地的應聘者可獲旅費津貼、行李津貼、醫療津貼及每月港幣16,859元 的特別津貼(倘若有關的外籍英語教師未能確立其常居地為香港以外地區或其配偶正在領取該特別津貼或由僱主提供的房屋津貼,將不合資格領取有關津貼)。
(e) 薪金會視乎應徵者的資歷及在取得相關資歷後的教學經驗而定,並以受聘時的條件為準。
(f) 在適用情況下,僱主會按照《強制性公積金計劃條例》(第485章)的規定,為僱員向一項根據該條例註冊的計劃供款。合約期屆滿後應得的酬金,連同僱主的強積金計劃供款,會相等於合約期所得基本薪金總額的15%。
(a) 持有本港所頒授的學士學位,主修英國語文或英國文學或英語研究或語言學*或現代語言*或三年全日制教育學士學位(主修英國語文),但非小學教育專科,或具備同等學歷;
(b) 具有在取得學位後最少五年於本地教授英文科的經驗(中學或以上程度優先);
(c) 具備教授英語作為外語或第二語言的資歷至少達學位證書程度;以及
(d) 持有主修英文科學位教師教育文憑或等同學歷。具備在中學推展讀寫發展及電子學習經驗者可獲優先考慮。
Applicants should be native-speakers of English or have native-speaker English competence#, and should possess:
(a) a Hong Kong bachelor's degree majoring in English Language or English Literature or English Studies or Linguistics* or Modern Languages* OR a Hong Kong Bachelor of Education degree (majoring in English), but not specialising in primary education, obtained after 3 years' full-time study, or equivalent;
(b) at least five years' post-graduate teaching experience in the local education system (preferably in teaching English at secondary level or above);
(c) a Teaching English as a Foreign Language or a Second Language (TEFL/TESL) qualification at least at diploma level; and
(d) a Post-graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) majoring in English from a Hong Kong tertiary education institution or equivalent. Experience in promoting literacy development and/or e-learning at the secondary level will be an advantage.
Applicants who possess a Hong Kong bachelor's degree in other academic subjects, or equivalent AND at least five years' post-graduate teaching experience in the local education system (preferably in teaching English at secondary level or above) AND either a TEFL/TESL qualification at least at diploma level, or a PGDE from a Hong Kong tertiary education institution or equivalent specialising in secondary education may also apply. These applications may only be considered when there are positions left unfilled by applicants meeting all the qualification requirements.
# Native speakers of English are people who acquire the language in infancy and develop the language through adolescence and adulthood within a community where English is spoken as the first language. Native-speaker English competence refers to the ability to use English fluently and spontaneously, to give grammatically accurate responses in communication and to write or speak creatively.
Non-native speakers of English, i.e. people who have not acquired the language in early childhood, are also suitable for employment as NETs if their English competence is not different from that of native-speakers in terms of fluency, accuracy and creativity in language use.
* A degree in Linguistics or Modern Languages should be one in which English is the major language studied.
(a) 申請人須在申請表格上清楚註明職位編號及職位名稱,例如:外籍英語教師(外籍英語教師區域統籌小組) (EDB/CDI/087/14)。(b) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。(c) 非公務員職位並不是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將不會按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用。獲聘的應徵者並非公務員,並不會享有獲調派、晉升或轉職至公務員職位的資格。(d) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。(e) 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試╱面試。(f) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試╱筆試。(g) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請人須郵寄修業成績副本及證書副本到下列查詢地址。(h)申請者所提供的個人資料的使用將嚴格依從本局個人資料政策。該文件副本可向本局外籍英語教師組索取。(查詢電話號碼:3549 8332)
獲錄用者將會按非公務員合約條件聘用,合約期 由2014年8月18日至2016年8月17日止。
(a) 申請人須在申請表格上清楚註明職位編號及職位名稱,例如:外籍英語教師(外籍英語教師區域統籌小組) (EDB/CDI/087/14)。(b) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。(c) 非公務員職位並不是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將不會按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用。獲聘的應徵者並非公務員,並不會享有獲調派、晉升或轉職至公務員職位的資格。(d) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。(e) 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試╱面試。(f) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試╱筆試。(g) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請人須郵寄修業成績副本及證書副本到下列查詢地址。(h)申請者所提供的個人資料的使用將嚴格依從本局個人資料政策。該文件副本可向本局外籍英語教師組索取。(查詢電話號碼:3549 8332)
申請表格[即通用表格第340號(3/2013修訂版)]可向民政事務總署各區民政事務處諮詢服務中心或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取, 亦可透過公務員事務局互聯網網址(http://www.csb.gov.hk)下載。申請書填妥後,須於截止申請日期或之前連同所需文件的副本(請勿寄交正本)以郵寄方式送達:新界青山公路174-208號,荃灣多層停車場大廈11樓1120室 教育局外籍英語教師組。
新界青山公路174-208號,荃灣多層停車場大廈11樓1120室 教育局外籍英語教師組