(a) To provide administrative support to projects related to rehabilitation work of the Correctional Services Department and secretariat support to the committee(s) and working group(s) concerned; and (b) To perform administrative duties related to the day-to-day operations of the office.
(a)持有本港學府頒授的學位,或同等學歷;曾獲社會學及實用研究訓練者更佳。(b)中英文講寫能力俱佳,在香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科考獲第3等級或以上的成績,或同等學歷 [註];(c)在取得學位後於行政工作方面具備最少10年的全職工作經驗,曾在政府或公營機構工作者更佳。此外,如在統籌、進行和管理工作計劃、研究/檢討/顧問研究/撰寫報告等包括公眾教育、宣傳、更生計劃和服務方面具有豐富經驗,並且具備相關範疇的運作/概念/事宜的知識,以及在提供秘書支援服務等方面有實際工作經驗尤為理想;(d)懂得使用統計數據及一般電腦應用軟件,包括MS Word、Excel、PowerPoint,以及數據庫/統計電腦應用軟件;以及(e)懂得和有能力協助統籌及監督深入研究、包括分析/詮釋數據和找出可作定論的數據、擬備分析成果、應用相關評估結果或策略,以及撰寫清晰易明的建議/報告等。
(a) A Hong Kong degree, or equivalent; and preference will be given to candidate with social science training covering paper(s) in research; (b) Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese, with Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; (c) At least 10 years' post-degree full-time experience in administrative work, preferably in the government or public organization. Substantial experience in coordinating, conducting and managing projects, research/reviews/consultancy studies/report writing, covering public education, publicity, rehabilitative programmes and services, and knowledge in the operations/concepts/issues of related fields and solid experience in providing secretarial support, etc. is preferred; (d) Knowledge of use of statistical data as well as common computer software applications including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and database/statistical software applications; and (e) Knowledge and ability to help co-ordinate and supervise in-depth research, including analysis/interpretation of data to find conclusive data and produce analytic output; apply the relevant evaluation results or strategy and write clear and readily comprehensible recommendations/reports, etc.
[email protected])、傳真方式(傳真號碼:2583 9307)遞交申請表格。未填妥或逾期遞交的申請概不受理。申請人如獲邀參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後2至4個星期內接獲通知。如申請人沒有獲邀參加面試,可視作已經落選。