Operations Officer (Airworthiness) is mainly deployed on aircraft airworthiness matters including (a) aircraft survey in hanger and ramp and investigations of significant defect; (b) assisting the investigation of organizations and persons seeking approval under Part III of the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order; (c) assessment of airworthiness standards for aircraft; (d) assisting the investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents; (e) assessment of applications for aircraft maintenance licences and the review, selection and marking of examination papers; and (f) review and assessment of applicability of manufacturer service bulletins and airworthiness directives. You may be required to travel extensively on duty and work irregular hours.
申請人必須(a)(i)持有本港大學或大專院校頒發的航空工程或相關航空科目(包括航空運輸/航天/機械/電機/電子/無線電/電訊工程)學位或高級證書或高級文憑或副學士,或同等資格;以及(ii)(1)持有香港民航處(民航處)簽發的有效航空器維修執照(民航處簽發的航空器維修工程師執照或航空器維修執照如已過期,但輔以國際民航組織締約國簽發的有效航空器維修執照,也可視作具備相關資格);或(2)持有民航處發出的有效設計認可書(民航處發出的認可書如已過期,但輔以國際民航組織締約國發出的有效認可書,也可視作具備相關資格); 以及(3)取得上文第(ii)(1)或(ii)(2)段所述專業資格後,具備維修和/或設計香港登記冊所列民航運輸機型號或發動機類型四年經驗;或(iii)在國際民航組織締約國的民航當局任職專業督察,並有四年在飛機檢查部或工程部從事監管工作的經驗; 或(b)具備航空或電機/機械工程認可專業學會的正式會員資格或同等資格,以及兩年民航工作經驗(取得正式會員資格前的民航工作經驗,可計入上文要求的兩年民航工作經驗之內);以及(c)符合語文能力要求,即香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科達第2級或以上成績,或同等學歷[請參閱註(2)及(3)]。
Candidates should have (a) (i) either a bachelor's degree from a university in Hong Kong or a higher certificate or a higher diploma or an associate degree in aeronautical engineering or relevant aeronautical subjects (including air transport/aerospace/mechanical/electrical/electronics/radio/telecommunication engineering) from a Hong Kong tertiary institution, or equivalent; and (ii) (1) a valid Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (HKCAD) Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) (an expired HKCAD Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence or an expired HKCAD AML supported by a valid AML issued by an ICAO contracting state is considered a valid qualification); or (2) a valid HKCAD Design Approval (an expired HKCAD Approval supported by a valid Approval issued by an ICAO contracting state could be considered a valid qualification); and (3) four years' experience in maintenance and/or design of civil transport aircraft types or engine types on the Hong Kong register after attaining the professional qualifications at (ii)(1) or (ii)(2) above; or (iii) been working as a professional inspector in a civil aviation authority of an ICAO contracting state with four years’ regulatory experience in Aircraft Inspection or Engineering Division; or (b) a Corporate Membership of a recognized professional aeronautical or electrical/mechanical engineering institution, or equivalent; and with two years’ civil aviation experience (It is on the understanding that the civil aviation experience gained before attaining the Corporate Membership is recognized contributing towards the two years’ civil aviation experience); and (c) met the language proficiency requirements of ‘Level 2’ or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent (See Note 2 and 3).
(2)過往香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科(課程乙) E級的成績,在行政上會分別被視為等同2007年或以後之香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科第2等級的成績。
(a) 除另有指明外,申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。
(b) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。
(c) 公務員職位是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用,並成為公務員。
(d) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。
(e) 頂薪點的資料只供參考,該項資料日後或會作出更改。
(f) 附帶福利包括有薪假期、醫療及牙科診療。在適當情況下,公務員更可獲得房屋資助。
(g) 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試╱面試。
(h) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試╱筆試。
(i) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請人須郵寄修業成績副本及證書副本到下列查詢地址。
(j) 在臨近截止申請日期,接受網上申請的伺服器可能因為需要處理大量申請而非常繁忙。申請人應盡早遞交申請,以確保在限期前成功於網上完成申請程序。
申請表格 [G.F. 340 (3/2013修訂版)] 可向民政事務總署各區民政事務處諮詢服務中心或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取。該表格也可從公務員事務局互聯網站 (http://www.csb.gov.hk) 下載。已填妥的申請書,須於截止申請日期或之前送交有關招聘部門的下述查詢地址。申請人亦可透過公務員事務局互聯網站 (http://www.csb.gov.hk) 作網上申請。申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約六至八星期內接到通知。如申請人未獲邀參加面試,則可視作經已落選。如有查詢,請電該職位所列電話號碼。