(一) 在本署泳灘照顧泳客的安全;
(二) 拯救遇溺泳客;
(三) 維持秩序;以及
(四) 保持場地清潔等。
(一) 海洋拯救基礎證書;
(二) 獨木舟拯救章;以及
(三) 沙灘救生章
(一) 學員未能圓滿完成本署指定的培訓;
(二) 學員未能通過本署指定的考試;
(三) 學員在圓滿完成及通過本署指定的培訓和考試後拒絕接受本署直接聘任為泳灘季節性救生員;或
(四) 學員未能在本署滿意的情況下完成泳灘季節性救生員整段合約期。
Beach Seasonal Lifeguard Trainee
The trainees mainly receive training in lifesaving and get familiar with the daily operation of the beach for the purpose of acquisition of Beach Lifeguard Award issued by the Hong Kong Life Saving Society. They are also required to offer general venue operational support during their attachment to any public beaches.
Beach Seasonal Lifeguard
(1) To ensure the safety of swimmers at public beaches of this department;
(2) To rescue swimmers in distress;
(3) To maintain order; and
(4) To assist in cleaning work, etc.
In-service Training:
The trainees will be arranged to receive related vocational training courses (provided by relevant professional institutions) and sit in professional examinations for attainment of the following lifesaving qualifications in their first month of employment –
(1) Open Water Rescue Basic Certificate;
(2) Canoe Rescue Award; and
(3) Beach Lifeguard Award
To encourage trainees to successfully acquire the lifesaving qualifications and serve as the beach seasonal lifeguards, they are required to deposit $2,500 for attending the courses and examinations. The deposit will be refunded to those who have successfully completed and passed the training and examinations as designated by the LCSD, accepted the direct appointment as beach seasonal lifeguards and completed the whole contract period of beach seasonal lifeguards to the satisfaction of LCSD.
On abortion and cancellation of the Scheme, the LCSD will refund to the trainees the amount of deposit that they have paid.
The deposit will not be refunded to those trainees in any one of the following situations –
(1) those who fail to successfully complete the training as designated by the LCSD;
(2) those who fail to pass the examinations as designated by the LCSD;
(3) those who do not accept the direct appointment as beach seasonal lifeguards after successfully completing and passing the training and examinations; or
(4) those who fail to complete the whole contract period as beach seasonal lifeguards to the satisfaction of LCSD.
Working Hours:
Beach Seasonal Lifeguard Trainee
A trainee is required to receive training or work 45 hours net per week (excluding meal breaks), to receive training or work irregular hours, overtime and shifts (including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays). Actual training or working hours will be arranged by supervisors.
Beach Seasonal Lifeguard
The conditioned working hours of a beach seasonal lifeguard are 45 hours net per week and seven and a half hours per day (excluding meal breaks). The incumbents are required to work shifts during the period from 7:45 am to 7:15 pm according to supervisors’ arrangements or to work overtime. They are also required to work on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Actual working hours will be arranged by supervisors.
(一) 持有香港拯溺總會頒發的泳池救生章或以上級別證書;有關救生章或證書的有效期必須至2018年10月31日或以後;
(二) 持有聖約翰救傷會、香港紅十字會或醫療輔助隊所頒發的有效急救證書的申請人,可獲優先考慮;
(三) 中英文程度達小學六年級水平或具備同等學歷;以及
(四) 通過視力和顏色分辨能力測試(申請人視覺敏銳度最少達6/60,即近視不高於約300度。除非申請人無須配戴適當眼鏡即可執行拯溺工作,否則在當值時須配戴適當的不碎眼鏡及泳鏡。)
(一) 申請人如於截止申請日期當日已持有香港拯溺總會頒發的有效沙灘救生章或以上級別證書,將不獲考慮。
(二) 申請人如未能提供上述第(三)項的中英文語文能力證明文件亦可申請。面試中將有中英文語文能力的評核。
(三) 見習泳灘季節性救生員首月月薪為8,030元;學員圓滿完成和通過由本署指定的培訓和考試後,如即時獲本署直接聘任為泳灘季節性救生員,會由獲正式聘任當日起獲得泳灘季節性救生員的月薪即16,760元(荃灣區及屯門區泳灘) / 17,060元(離島區、西貢區及南區泳灘)。
(四) 申請人於本署訂明的整段泳灘季節性救生員合約期內(以單一合約計算,但不包括見習泳灘季節性救生員的合約期)如持有由聖約翰救傷會、香港紅十字會或醫療輔助隊所頒發的有效急救證書,於本署訂明的整段泳灘季節性救生員合約期內(不包括見習泳灘季節性救生員的合約期)可獲每月額外發放月薪港幣300元。獲聘的泳灘季節性救生員必須在簽約前出示有效的急救證書正本,而急救證書的餘下有效期(由本署訂明的泳灘季節性救生員合約生效日起計算)必須較本署訂明的泳灘季節性救生員合約期為長或與合約期相等,方可獲發放指定的額外月薪。
(五) 本署保留更改、中止或取消泳灘季節性救生員訓練計劃的權利。)
Candidates should -
(1) possess a Pool Lifeguard Award or above issued by the Hong Kong Life Saving Society which should be valid up to 31 October 2018 or beyond;
(2) applicants possessing a valid First Aid Certificate issued by the St John Ambulance Association, Hong Kong Red Cross or Auxiliary Medical Service are preferable;
(3) attain a level of proficiency in Chinese and English languages equivalent to Primary 6 standard; and
(4) pass an eyesight test and the Ishihara’s Test for colour-blindness. (A candidate’s visual acuity should be at least 6/60, i.e. myopia not exceeding roughly 300 degrees. Wearing of plastic corrective lens and goggles with appropriate prescription while on duty is mandatory unless candidates have unaided good eyesight for lifesaving duties.)
(1) Applicants will not be considered if they possess a valid Beach Lifeguard Award or above issued by the Hong Kong Life Saving Society by the closing date of applications.
(2) Candidates without supporting documents of the Chinese and English languages proficiency of (3) above may also apply. There will be assessments of Chinese and English languages proficiency during the interview.
(3) The monthly salary of beach seasonal lifeguard trainee is $8,030. If he/ she is appointed as a beach seasonal lifeguard immediately after successfully completing and passing the training and examinations as designated by the LCSD, he/ she will be remunerated with the monthly salary of a beach seasonal lifeguard at $16,760(Beaches in Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun Districts)/$17,060(Beaches in Islands, Sai Kung and Southern Districts) with effect from the date on appointment to a beach seasonal lifeguard.
(4) Applicants who possess a valid First Aid Certificate issued by the St John Ambulance Association, Hong Kong Red Cross or Auxiliary Medical Service throughout the whole contract period of beach seasonal lifeguard as determined by this department (on a single contract basis, excluding the contract period of beach seasonal lifeguard trainee) may be granted an additional amount of HK$300 per month as part of his/ her salary during the whole contract period of beach seasonal lifeguard (excluding the contract period of beach seasonal lifeguard trainee) as determined by this department. To be eligible for additional pay as specified above, selected candidates who are offered an appointment as beach seasonal lifeguard must present a true copy of valid First Aid Certificate, prior to his/ her signing of a contract with the Department, and that the remaining valid period (calculated from the effective date of the contract of beach seasonal lifeguard) of that First Aid Certificate must be longer than or equivalent to the designated contract period of beach seasonal lifeguard as prescribed by the Department.
(5) The LCSD reserves the rights to modify, abort or cancel the Beach Seasonal Lifeguard Training Scheme.)
(a) 除另有指明外,申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。
(b) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。
(c) 非公務員職位並不是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將不會按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用。獲聘的應徵者並非公務員,並不會享有獲調派、晉升或轉職至公務員職位的資格。
(d) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。
(e) 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試╱面試。
(f) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試/筆試。
(g) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請人須郵寄修業成績副本及證書副本到下列查詢地址。
(一) 申請表格[G.F. 340 (3/2013修訂版)]可向民政事務總署各區民政事務處民政諮詢中心或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取,或從公務員事務局互聯網站(http://www.csb.gov.hk)下載。
(二) 申請人須把已填妥的申請書,連同有關拯溺證書(泳池救生章或以上級別證書)的副本,在截止日期前交回查詢地址。請在信封面上註明「申請泳灘季節性救生員訓練計劃」。
(三) 申請人亦可透過公務員事務局互聯網站(http://www.csb.gov.hk)作網上申請。申請人如在網上遞交申請,必須於截止申請日期前把有關拯溺證書(泳池救生章或以上級別證書)的副本寄交查詢地址,及在信封面和文件副本上註明網上申請編號。
(四) 申請人如以郵遞方式提交申請,請在投寄前確保信封面已清楚寫上正確的地址及已貼上足夠郵資,以避免申請未能成功遞交。所有郵資不足的郵件會由香港郵政安排退回或銷毀。所有申請書,如資料不全、逾期遞交、以傳真或電郵方式遞交、並未妥為簽署,非使用指定的申請表格,或未能提供所需證明文件,均不予考慮。
(五) 申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約四至六個星期內接到通知(以郵寄或電郵方式)。如申請人未獲邀參加面試,則可視作經已落選。