(i) 制定和執行促進投資策略和商業計劃,以吸引中國內地(主要位於大灣區)的創新及科技公司、投資者、企業家、孵化器、加速器及創新實驗室(特別是智慧城市,人工智能及生物醫學界別)在香港設立及/或擴展業務,以及推廣香港作為國際創新及科技中心;
(ii) 參與內地商業活動及發言,向內地商界推廣香港創新科技界的獨特優勢及機遇,支援及舉辦中國內地的創新及科技活動、市場推廣及公關活動;
(iii) 透過提供意見及協助,迅速回應及跟進創新及科技界潛在投資者的查詢及相關項目,以促進他們落實在香港設立及/或擴展業務的計劃,並提供後續服務;
(iv) 與投資推廣署香港總部及內地/海外網絡、香港特區政府相關決策局及部門以及其他公營機構,包括香港科技園公司、數碼港、大學及科研機構及相關工業機構合作,開展以中國內地創新及科技界為重點的投資推廣及市場推廣活動;
(v) 透過外展工作,支援及出席相關活動,與創新及科技界及中國內地的初創企業、科技及商界的主要持份者建立強大的網絡及密切的工作關係;
(vi) 了解創新及科技界的最新發展,收集和分析市場情報,並就提高香港作為國際創新科技中心的競爭力和吸引力方面提出建議;
(vii) 負責執行在獲分配的財政預算範圍內相關的行政和資源管理工作;
(viii) 需要頻密地往返本港和內地,規劃相關的行程,特別是大灣區,以進行投資推廣活動和後續工作,達到管理層指定的業績目標;及
(ix) 履行管理層指派的其他職責。
Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government tasked to attract and retain foreign direct investments in Hong Kong. Its dedicated Innovation and Technology (I&T) team promotes Hong Kong as one of the fastest growing I&T ecosystems and attracts and facilitates I&T companies to set up and expand in the city.
Hong Kong has emerged as a premier hub for the overseas, local and Mainland I&T communities to meet and explore business opportunities. As one of the top global financial centres and a business capital in Asia, Hong Kong acts as a launch pad both for I&T companies eyeing regional opportunities in Asia and also for Mainland I&T enterprises seeking international expansion.
To demonstrate the business opportunities in the I&T sector [biomedical, smart city, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics] that can be seized by investors in and via Hong Kong, InvestHK is looking for an enthusiastic candidate to fill the important position of Head of Innovation and Technology (Greater Bay Area, GBA). With a strong drive for results and impact, the incumbent will be part of a specialist I&T team aiming to achieve performance targets through reaching out to potential investors. The incumbent is expected to possess deep understanding of the I&T ecosystem and general business environment in Mainland China. Being highly goal driven and client centric, the incumbent should demonstrate excellent sales and client management skills.
Reporting to Co-Heads, I&T in the InvestHK head office in Hong Kong, Head of Innovation and Technology (GBA) will be a one-person team performing the following duties independently:
(i) To develop and execute an investment promotion strategy and business plan to attract I&T companies, investors, entrepreneurs, incubators, accelerators and innovation labs (in particular in the smart city, AI and biomedical sectors) in Mainland China (with a focus on the GBA) to set up and/or expand in Hong Kong and to promote Hong Kong as an international I&T hub;
(ii) To participate and speak in Mainland business events, promoting the unique advantages and opportunities of Hong Kong’s I&T sector to the Mainland business community, supporting and staging I&T events, marketing and public relations (PR) initiatives in Mainland China;
(iii) To respond promptly to and follow through enquiries and projects from potential investors in the I&T sector by providing advice on and assistance in facilitating the implementation of their set up and/or expansion plan for Hong Kong and to provide aftercare services;
(iv) To work together with InvestHK’s head office and Mainland / overseas network, relevant Government bureaux and departments of the HKSAR Government and other public organisations including Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport, universities and research institutions and relevant industrial organisations to conduct investment promotion and marketing activities focusing on I&T sector in Mainland China;
(v) To build a strong network and a close working relationship with the I&T sector and with key stakeholders in the startup, technology and business community in Mainland China through conducting outreach work, supporting and attending relevant events;
(vi) To keep abreast of the latest development of the I&T sector, collect and analyse market intelligence and provide input to improve Hong Kong’s competitiveness and attractiveness as an international I&T hub;
(vii) To carry out administrative work and resource management within the budget allocated;
(viii) To plan and travel frequently to Mainland China, in particular the GBA, to undertake investment promotion activities and follow-up work in order to meet the performance targets assigned by the management; and
(ix) To carry out other duties as assigned by the management.
(a) 受聘人如能圓滿地完成整個合約,並在合約期內一直維持良好的工作表現,可獲發一筆約滿酬金。該筆酬金,加上部門就《強制性公積金計劃條例》的規定為受聘人向強制性公積金計劃所作的供款,將相等於受聘人在合約期內支取的基本薪金總額的15%;及
(b) 可享有每年14天有薪年假,並享有《僱傭條例》規定給予的休息日、法定假日(或代替假日)、產假/侍產假和疾病津貼。
(i) 具備最少十年與科技行業有關的客戶管理、業務發展、市場推廣及項目管理工作經驗,包括與中國內地企業合作的豐富業務經驗;
(ii) 持有香港學士學位或同等學歷,主修人工智能、機器人、計算機科學、電子工程、資訊科技、生物醫學或相關科學科目優先。如具有更高學歷者更佳;
(iii) 對中國內地創新及科技界及創業生態系統具有豐富知識及經驗,具有投資推廣或經濟發展方面工作經驗者會優先;
(iv) 如與中國內地的創新及科技界和初創企業生態系統有良好的聯繫網絡更為理想;
(v) 具備在香港和中國內地,特別是大灣區生活及/或經商的經驗會有優勢;
(vi) 具備優秀的中文寫作能力及普通話口語表達技巧,以及良好的英語寫作及口語表達能力;以及符合語文能力的要求,即在綜合招聘考試中文運用試卷取得二級成績,或具備同等成績[見註(a)]及英文運用試卷取得一級成績,或具備同等成績[見註(b)];及
(vii) 願意經常往返本港和內地。
(i) A minimum of 10 years of work experience in account management, business development, marketing and project management in technology industry, including substantial business experience in working with Mainland Chinese enterprises;
(ii) A Bachelor's degree or equivalent, preferably in sciences including AI, robotics, computer science, electronics engineering, information technology, biomedical or related fields; a higher degree (or equivalent) would be an advantage;
(iii) Good knowledge of and experience in the I&T sector and the startup ecosystem in Mainland China. Investment promotion or economic development experience would be an advantage;
(iv) Extensive networks within Mainland China’s I&T sector and the startup ecosystem is desirable;
(v) Experience of living and/or doing business in Hong Kong and Mainland China, in particular GBA, would be an asset;
(vi) Excellent command of written Chinese and spoken Putonghua and good command of written and spoken English. Meet the language proficiency requirements of “Level 2” result in the Use of Chinese (UC) paper [Note (a)] and “Level 1” result in the Use of English (UE) paper [Note (b)] in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) or equivalent; and
(vii) Willing to travel frequently to Mainland China.
(a) 香港中學文憑考試中國語文科第5級或以上成績,或香港高級程度會考中國語文及文化、中國語言文學或中國語文科C級或以上成績,會獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試中文運用試卷的二級成績。
(b) 香港中學文憑考試英國語文科第4級成績,或香港高級程度會考英語運用科或General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) (GCE A Level) English Language科D級的成績,會獲接納為等同綜合招聘考試英文運用試卷的一級成績。
(a) 除另有指明外,申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。
(b) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。
(c) 非公務員職位並不是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將不會按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用。獲聘的應徵者並非公務員,並不會享有獲調派、晉升或轉職至公務員職位的資格。
(d) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。
(e) 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招聘考試╱面試。
(f) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試/筆試。在適合受聘而有申報為殘疾的申請人和適合受聘程度相若的其他申請人當中,招聘當局可給予前者適度的優先錄用機會。有關政府聘用殘疾人士的政策及其他相關措施載列於《用人唯才:殘疾人士申請政府職位》的資料冊內。申請人可於公務員事務局互聯網站參閱該資料冊,網址如下:http://www.csb.gov.hk內的 “公務員隊伍的管理-聘任”。
(g) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水準相若。有關申請人須把修業成績副本及證書副本發送到上述電郵地址。
申請人必須使用公務員事務局互聯網站 (http://www.csb.gov.hk) 的表格 [GF340在線申請]遞交申請。遞交網上申請表的同時,申請人必須於截止日期當日或之前把以下文件發送到下列電郵地址:
(i) 申請信詳細説明爲何申請人認爲自己適合本職位;
(ii) 完整的履歷表;以及
(iii) 學歷及工作證明的副本。
如在截止申請日期的七個工作天後仍未收到認收/確認電郵,請致電 3107 1076 與本署聯絡。申請人如符合上述基本入職條件,將在申請截止日期後六星期內獲邀出席面試。如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,本署會甄選條件較佳的應徵者進行面試。未獲邀參加面試者可作落選論。