1. 協調和進行研究,管理和監督海外和本地顧問,藉以(a)制訂調查方案/取樣方案調查內部供水系統喉管物料不符合標準的情況;(b)為食水水質達標標準制訂取樣方案/架構;(c)建立香港食水標準;(d)檢討和審核水務署水安全計劃,包括為香港建築物訂立水安全計劃;
2. 經食水安全國際專家小組秘書處與該小組聯絡,討論研究結果和建議;
3. 就有關水安全和相關議題的檢討、研究、研究結果和建議,與持份者(包括發展局、衞生署、房屋署及相關業界等)聯絡和諮詢其意見;
4. 就供水事宜和水安全議題提供高層策略的專業意見;以及
5. 監察水務署水質科學部的質量保證制度。
1. To co-ordinate and conduct research, and to manage and supervise overseas and local consultants with a view to (a) formulating an investigation protocol/sampling protocol for investigation of non-compliance of inside services plumbing material; (b) formulating sampling protocol/regime for drinking water quality compliance; (c) developing a drinking water standard for Hong Kong, and (d) reviewing and auditing Water Safety Plan (WSP) of WSD including development of WSP for buildings for Hong Kong;
2. To liaise with International Expert Panel on Drinking Water Safety (IEP) via secretariat of IEP on the study findings and recommendation;
3. To engage and consult stakeholders (including DEVB, Department of Health (DH), Housing Department, the trade, etc) related to the review, studies, findings and recommendations in respect of water safety and related issues;
4. To provide high-level strategic professional input on matters related to water supply and water safety issues; and
5. To oversee the Quality Assurance System of the WSD Water Science Division.
(a) 持有香港的大學所頒發化學、微生物學、健康科學、毒理學或其他有關水質科學學科的相關碩士或更高程度學位,或具備同等學歷。如具備相關學科、有關水質科學領域的獲認可專業資格,則為更佳;
(b) 曾在食水公用事業機構(包括政府機構)、食水規管機構或獲委聘向食水公用事業或規管機構提供顧問服務的顧問擔任管理職位,具備合計最少七年經驗;
(c) 具備建立食水水質標準、抽取水樣本方案、食水公用事業機構和建築物的水安全計劃或其他水安全範疇的經驗。如具備相關運作經驗,包括監察水質科學化驗所、監察源頭至用戶水龍頭的水質、為監察和控制濾水廠的濾水提供意見、調查水質各個範疇或濾水問題,以及為有關水質的法定程序提供意見,則為更佳;
(d) 具備良好領導、分析和組織能力;
(e) 具備良好人事和溝通技巧;以及
(f) 能操流利中文和英文。不過,中文不熟練的申請人亦可申請,但假如最後遴選的所有其他因素均等,則能操雙語的申請人可獲優先考慮。
Candidates should have:
(a) a relevant degree at Master level or higher in chemistry, microbiology, health science, toxicology or other water science-related subjects, from a Hong Kong university or equivalent. Having a recognised professional qualification in a relevant discipline with water science-related background would be an advantage;
(b) at least seven years' aggregated experience in a managerial position in a drinking water utility undertaker (including Government entity), drinking water regulator or as consultants engaged in providing consultancy service to a drinking water utility undertaker or regulator;
(c) experience in the development of drinking water quality standard, water sampling protocol, water safety plan in drinking water utility undertaker and buildings or other water safety-related areas. Having relevant operational experience including overseeing water science laboratory; monitoring water quality from source to consumer taps; advising on monitoring and controlling of water treatment at water treatment works; investigating into various aspects of water quality or treatment problems and advising on water quality related statutory procedures, would be an advantage;
(d) good leadership, analytical and organisational capabilities;
(e) good interpersonal and communication skills; and
(f) a strong command of English and Chinese. Notwithstanding, those who are not proficient in the Chinese language may also apply, but, all other factors being equal in the final selection, preference will be given to the bilingual candidate.
(a) 非公務員職位並不是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將不會按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用。獲聘的應徵者並非公務員,並不會享有獲調派、晉升或轉職至公務員職位的資格。
(b) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。
(c) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試╱筆試。
(d) 部門會嚴格遵守個人公開資料守則處理申請人的資料,欲查詢個人公開資料守則可透過部門網頁覽閱。
(e) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請人須郵寄修業成績副本及證書副本到下列查詢地址。
[email protected]。申請人須確保已為郵件支付足夠郵資,以免申請未能送達本署。郵資不足的郵件,一律會由香港郵政處理。截止申請日期為2016年9月5日。申請人如獲選參加面試,通常會在截止申請日期後約六至八個星期內接到通知。申請人如不獲邀參加面試,可視作落選論。